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House renovation vs knockdown & rebuild

Should you renovate or rebuild your home?

For many homeowners, there comes a time when they will either complete a home renovation or knockdown and rebuild their entire home to make it more suited to their needs. Choosing the way they will have their home upgraded is a really important decision and will vary depending on each homeowner's requirements. It is important to understand each option before you upgrade your home to ensure you do it the right way for your family.

What is a home renovation?

House remodelling or renovation is when homeowners improve or replace certain features of their home, while working with the design of the original home. Some common parts of house renovations include:

Basically, a home renovation allows homeowners to update their existing home to better suit their need without completely changing their entire home.

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Home knock down rebuild - what is it?

This process includes demolishing an entire home and completely rebuilding it from scratch. Home knockdown and rebuilds are generally suited to homeowners who like the area they live in but are unsatisfied with their current home. This option allows clients to change their home completely to how they would like it to be, which ensures that their requirements can be met. With this freedom homeowners could possibly optimise their land or get a two story view.

Renovating or rebuilding a home - what does it cost?

The cost of any house renovation or reconstruction will always depend on the unique requirements of a homeowner, however there are some things to consider before deciding on a budget for the project. Often renovations are a more affordable option as they require less labour and time to complete.

Rebuilding a new home from scratch can eliminate future costs from termite damage, asbestos removal, weathering and other expenses that may arise from having an older home. Rebuilding a home entirely however can be a huge investment and may not be suited to all homeowners.

House demolition or renovation - what to consider?

As well as a budget, there are other factors that may affect your house remodel or rebuild. Firstly, if you are demolishing and rebuilding your home, you must follow any government regulations for home builders in your area when designing the new home. These could range from the plumbing of your home to its environmental sustainability.

Ensure that you know the condition of your current home before you make the final decision. Perhaps only renovating the kitchen and bathrooms is necessary. Maybe you should rebuild your home because its age puts it at risk of a large range of issues that will cost you more time and money in the future.

Renovation and new home experts

Whether you are looking to renovate your current home or build a completely new one, Symcorp Building Services are here to provide you with a solution that will meet all of your living needs. Our experienced builders are all Gold Coast locals and professionally trained, so you can trust our service to create a custom designed new home for your family that you will love for years to come.

For an affordable renovation or a total demolition and rebuild, contact our team of Gold Coast builders today by calling 07 5594 1768 or complete our knockdown and rebuild enquiry today.