If you own a home, you may find yourself in a position where you are considering knocking down your home and rebuilding.
So, to help you out with some of your decisions, we have put together a bit of information regarding knockdown & rebuilds , and the benefits they can offer you and your family. Give Symcorp builders a call on 07 5594 1768 for further assistance on the Gold Coast & Tweed.
A knockdown and rebuild includes demolishing an entire home and completely rebuilding it from scratch.
There are a range of benefits that knockdown & rebuild plans have to offer.
A common reason that people choose to knockdown & rebuild is they have found the perfect location, and wish to stay there for a considerable time, but the home on the property is not suited to their needs - it may be too small, too old and rundown or they layout may not be suited to their lifestyle. A knockdown & rebuild allows you to stay where you are, and build something that suits your needs better.
Some people find that doing a knockdown & rebuild means everything stays the same - you keep your neighbours, your children stay at the same school and you can use all the facilities that are located near your home. This is opposed to moving, where everything has to change up.
A knockdown & rebuild can actually be more financially feasible than extensive renovations or an extension. Renovations and extensions may need you to upgrade your existing home to meet the current building standards (if they don't already meet them) and this can be really costly. Also, if you are after matching materials so that the renovation or extension works together with everything else, this can be expensive too.
It may be hard to believe, but a knockdown & rebuild can actually take less time than extensive renovations and other modifications! There are a lot of factors to consider here though, so speak to an industry professional to find out more.
Additionally, completing a complete knockdown and rebuild means that you can eliminate future costs in relation to aspects such as termite damage, asbestos removal, weathering and other expenses that may arise from having an older home.
Home knockdown and rebuilds are generally suited to homeowners who like the area they live in but are unsatisfied with their current home. This option allows people to rebuild their home from scratch, which ensures that their home is exactly as they would like. With this freedom homeowners could possibly optimise their land or get a two story view - the options are endless!
Check out our house renovation vs knockdown & rebuild blog here .
For affordable total demolition and rebuild options, speak to our team of Gold Coast builders by calling 07 5594 1768 or complete our knockdown and rebuild enquiry today.
HiPages (What is a Knockdown Rebuild?) : https://hipages.com.au/article/what_is_a_knockdown_rebuild