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How to include solar power in your home design

Save money on future energy bills by incorporating solar in your new home

Did you know that adding solar to your home can be a great way to save money on your energy bills and help the environment? However, it’s important to think about how solar will fit into the design of your new home .

Solar panels are a beautiful addition to any home and they can increase the value of your property when it comes time to sell. You’ll also be able to take advantage of tax credits and rebates that make installing solar more affordable than ever before.

Below are a few tips to show you how to include solar in your new home design and get the most out of this renewable energy source, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Take into consideration the layout of the land

The shape of your block of land can have an impact on the efficiency of your solar panels, for instance, the sun will not hit your solar panels until later in the day if you have a steep hill on either the northern or eastern side.

If living on the coast is your preference, you may need to install solar panels with a higher-than-average wind and salt corrosion rating. You can check if your panels will be able to withstand harsh coastal conditions by contacting your builder or solar system provider for advice.

Rooftop solar panels

What is your roof design?

As Australia is in the southern hemisphere installing solar panels north-facing will capture sunlight throughout the day, however, if this is not an option for you, the next best is a western orientation.

On the other hand, if you have a flat roof in mind, you will need to have your solar panels positioned at an angle as the panels need to capture as much solar energy as possible. If you are set on having solar as your energy source, you may need to reconsider your roof design to be that of a more conventional design, therefore more solar-friendly. Not all roofs are suitable for solar.

Houses with rooftop solar panels with trees around

Is there shade around your block?

Consider the position of your home, what vegetation and trees are surrounding your block of land? What is the possibility of new buildings or objects being built that could hinder the direct sun on your panels?

At times, these aspects are out of your control, however, if you can have this knowledge beforehand you will be better equipped with the layout of your home and consequently where your solar panels will be installed. For instance, high-rise apartments will inevitably create shade on your roof for half a day.

Discuss including solar with your home builder

Making the decision to go solar should be considered and incorporated into your original house plans. Discussing your options with your builder from the beginning is essential, this will ensure the best location for your solar panels allowing for maximum efficiency and aesthetically pleasing results.