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  3. What is a building surveyor?

What is a building surveyor?

Protect your investment with a property survey

Buying or building a new home? Don’t forget to enlist the help of building surveyors and building inspectors. Building and pest inspections and property surveys are commonly used by home buyers and offer insurance against making an unwise decision.

Role of a building surveyor

  • Comply with health and safety standards: Ensure the buildings are safe, energy-efficient and liveable
  • Building Legislation: Building surveyors are experts in interpreting the construction laws and ensure the buildings are designed and constructed to meet the National Construction Code
  • Advice: Building surveyors provide professional advice on the design and construction of properties.
  • Audit and Approve Plans - They also audit and approve the construction plans.
  • Work with specialists - Building surveyors work with structural engineers, fire engineers and other specialists to ensure the building is constructed as per the plans and safety regulations.
  • Features of the property - The building surveyors will provide you with dimensions of your property, boundary lines, right of way, easements and encumbrances.
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How can a property survey help you?

A building surveyor will help you in a range of ways:

  1. Highlight the problems and structural damages - Buying a new property is a major investment decision. Taking the help of a building surveyor will enable you to know the problems and structural damages associated with the property. Whether you are buying or selling a house, conducting renovations or building a fence, enlist the help of a licensed building surveyor.
  2. Underground Utilities - Knowing about the underground cables, gas pipes, telephones lines, drains will help you know where to dig and which portion of the land might be used by your utility companies for maintenance activities.
  3. Zoning Classification - A certified building surveyor will provide you with information around zoning and whether your property is for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. They will also inform you of the boundary setbacks, restrictions applicable to your property and ensure it is adhering to the council regulations.
  4. Boundary and subdivision - A property survey will highlight the boundary lines, if you can subdivide the property and if there are any fencing disputes with neighbours.
  5. Last but not the least, a property survey can help you be fully informed of any costly repairs, help navigate neighbour disputes and safeguard your investment.

Do you really need a property survey?

Conducting a property survey is optional. However, just like building inspections, conducting a property survey will give you peace of mind and help you save thousands of dollars in unexpected expenses. When buying a new house, do not skimp on property surveys!

Read more : What are building inspections?