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  3. What do I need to provide to get a new home quote from a builder

What do I need to provide to get a new home quote from a builder

Building a new home is an exciting adventure that requires prudent planning

Creating a unique environment tailored to you and your family in a home you have built is one of life's great joys. The journey begins with that initial decision to build, then there are a lot of things to consider and decisions to be made along the way. Getting a quote from a builder is one of the most important steps and can be overwhelming if you don’t know what information to provide. The required documents and information will be necessary for the builder to provide an accurate cost estimate.

Information required by your builder

Before you can obtain a quote for the costs o building your new home, your builder will require some preliminary information. It is important to have all the initial drawings, plans, and documents available and accurate. With this initial preparation covered, you can eliminate any delays with the commencement of your new home.

  • Detailed floor plans 
  • Plans, drawings, calculations, and measurements for your new home
  • Quantity list of necessary building materials
wooden house frame

Which builder should you choose?

Getting the most out of your journey as possible without any hassle or confusion will often come down to the builder you have chosen to build your home. If you are looking to build a new home, the builder you choose can make all the difference. Look for one that understands your vision and makes every step of the process easy and enjoyable. They should understand how important it is to get things done quickly without sacrificing quality or missing any details in between. With the right builder on your side, you can have a beautiful, custom-built home while keeping within budget. You will be able to focus on other priorities like selecting furniture and picking out decor items instead of worrying about meeting deadlines or finding reliable contractors. Some things to consider:

  • Check their references-Request references and contract previous customers to obtain feedback on the builders' work and overall service.
  • Check past projects- Check the quality of past projects and check customer reviews.
  • Take into consideration the price- Does the price suit your budget and what is being offered?
  • Check all Credentials - Check they are licensed with building organisations. Such as Housing Industry Association (HIA) Queensland Building and Construction Commission ( QBCC) or Master Builders?
  • Personality- Do you feel a professional connection and have confidence in the builder and company?
  • Your Contract-Check the warranty and support the builder offers. Read the fine print and make sure you understand the conditions before signing anything.

Get professional advice

Building your own house offers you ultimate control over design, location, and budget – but that can also mean more stress than expected.

Obtaining professional help on what information and documents you will need to provide to get ” the ball rolling” with your builder might just be the answer as this can save you time, energy, and stress. Any delays in providing the required information could put you behind on your desired completion date.


If you are confused and unsure about the information and documents needed for your new home quote? Symcorp can provide you with valuable advice to clear up any confusion, and get you closer to having your dream home built. Simply call 07 5558 3812 or complete an online free home building consultation request form.